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Title: Planning law in Sub-Saharan Africa: a focus on the experiences in Southern and Eastern Africa
Authors: Wekwete, Kadmiel H.
Keywords: Planning law, experiences
Issue Date: Jan-1995
Series/Report no.: Habitat International;Vol.19 (1):p.13-28
Abstract: This paper is a review of planning law experiences in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a specific focus on Southern and Eastern Africa. It reviews the colonial inheritance and how it has been transformed in the post-colonial period. It highlights the need for planning laws to be relevant to current community needs and the need to empower those who use it. Law should not be seen as a hindrance but as a guide to social action.
Description: The full article can be accessed at the MSU Library Special Collections, Class No. HD300.661 WEK
ISSN: 0197-3975
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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