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Title: Development of urban planning in Zimbabwe
Authors: Wekwete, Kadmiel H.
Keywords: Urban planning, development
Issue Date: Feb-1988
Publisher: Elsevier
Series/Report no.: Cities;
Abstract: This article provides an overview of the Zimbabwean urban planning experi- ence. It is historical in so far as it tries to examine the colonial and post- colonial experiences in urban planning. The main focus is on the administrative and statutory framework for planning, highlighting urban development and some approaches adopted for plan- ning. A major theme of this article is the continuity in the organizational framework, which has resulted in the relative ineffectiveness of some plan- ning approaches, given the dynamic nature of the urban challenge.
Description: The full article can be accessed at the MSU Special Collections, Class No. HD300.692 WEK
ISSN: 0264-2751
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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