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Title: Decolonising participatory research: can Ubuntu philosophy contribute something?
Authors: Marovah Tendayi
Oliver Mutanga
Department of Applied Education, Faculty of Education, Midlands State University, Gweru, Zimbabwe
Nazarbayev University
Keywords: Ubuntu, , ,, ,, .
participatory research
global south
participatory research
social justice
Issue Date: 18-May-2023
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Online.
Abstract: Research (PR) in the Global South, addressing power imbalances and research process challenges This paper investigates the potential of Ubuntu philosophy for decolonising Participatory. Despite PR's focus on community involvement, it can perpetuate practices contradicting its principles, hence the rise of 'decolonising research' for fair, respectful researcher-community relationships and meaningful community knowledge. The central question is, 'How can Ubuntu serve as a tool for decolonising PR in the Global South?' Drawing from decolonisation, PR, and Ubuntu literature, we offer a novel perspective on applying Ubuntu in PR. The study demonstrates how Ubuntu promotes social change and justice, challenges Western knowledge universality, and empowers marginalised Global South communities via democratic, participatory platforms. We provide theoretical insights and practical suggestions for PR stakeholders, asserting that Ubuntu adoption can foster equitable, inclusive practices benefiting communities. The paper also invites further examination of indigenous philosophies in decolonising research, enriching knowledge production in the Global South and globally marginalised communities.
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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