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Title: Demystifying Governance of Zimbabwean Public Sector Enterprises in Attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals
Authors: Mufaro Dzingirai
Billy F. Karonga
Talent Mazenge
Keywords: Governance
Public Sector Enterprises
Sustainable Development
Public Governance
Ubuntu/Unhu Philosophy
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IGI Global
Abstract: The role of public sector enterprises (PSEs) in achieving inclusive development agendas has been given scant attention. This calls for extending our understanding of the importance of governance in PSEs when dealing with sustainable development issues. Given this information, this chapter focuses on the PSEs' governance challenges in the attainment of SDGs in Zimbabwe. The study established six governance challenges faced by PSEs in attaining the SDGs, namely corruption; political interference in the operations of PSEs; multiple principals with multiple agents and goals; incompatibility between government failure and management failure; ZACC as a toothless bulldog; and see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil syndrome. Therefore, the study recommends that the government should have an independent budget for ZACC, establish a whistleblowing regulatory framework, remove multiple agents, eliminate multiple directorships, and reward whistleblowers. The research outcomes of this study help policymakers and practitioners.
Appears in Collections:Book Chapters

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