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Title: Intelligent rooster monitoring system
Authors: Jonhera, Courage N
Keywords: rooster monitoring system
intelligent systems
Issue Date: May-2018
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: Chicken rearing has been widely spread in the country for both economic purposes and family consumption. In both cases there is need to reduce the labour and solve problems caused by inadequate water supply and stunted rooster growth. The Intelligent Rooster Water Monitoring System solves this problem by making sure that the roosters always have water to drink as well as making sure that they are in a bearable environment. The system measures the amount of water left in the rooster canister and refills it when there is need. Buzzer sounds are produced to notify the water has reached its minimum level and its being refilled. Temperature and humidity of the rooster run are measured as well; in cases where the temperature is higher than the norm a cooling fan is switched on and when the temperature is lower than the norm a buzzer rings to notify the users of the system that there is need to warm the rooster run.
Appears in Collections:Bsc Computer Science Honours Degree

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