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Title: Mental health correlates with gynaecomestia in men on art in Hwange.
Authors: Chuma, Leah
Keywords: Gynaecomastia
Psychological experiences
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This study which was conducted in Hwange, Matabeleland North Province of Zimbabwe, sought through a descriptive design in nature to compare the age specific experiences of Gynaecomastia among men on ART of 15-35 age cohort and 36-56 age cohort in a bid to unpack their psychological experiences of Gynaecomastia. The research employed cognitive behavioural theory as the theoretical framework. The study followed a positivist paradigm which assumes a stable reality is one which can be explained by observation and experiment. The actual study sample consisted of 169 men with ART-Induced Gynaecomastia. As of July 2018, a total of 29900 men were on ART in Matabeleland North Province, 1700 in Hwange. Out of 1700, the total population of men on ART in Hwange, about 217 men were diagnosed with Gynaecomastia in Hwange. The study adopted the random or simple sampling technique for the population of men on ART. The researcher developed a questionnaire which encapsulated questions on negative and positive experiences of Gynaecomastia as well as questions that aimed at establishing the psychological effects of Gynaecomastia. Inferential statistics were utilised to check if there was significant differences on the measured variables where the significance level was fixed at a P value of <0.05. The researcher distributed 217 questionnaires and 169 of the questionnaires were answered and returned giving this study a response rate of 78%. The study concluded on a note where it agreed with previous researches especially on the aspect of men with Gynaecomastia experiencing stress and having challenges as far as social engagement is concerned. The uniqueness of this study is that, it brings to light the notion that the same challenges experienced by youths (15-35) as far as Gynaecomastia is concerned are the same challenges that are experienced by adults (36-56). Differences may however come in form of the coping strategies.
Appears in Collections:Bsc Psychology Honours Degree

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