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Title: Automated water reticulation system
Authors: Mtombeni, Tendai Jameson
Keywords: Water sanitation system
Water reticulation system
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: Prior studies have identified many problems of having poor water sanitation system. The major problem, being rise of water-borne diseases. This thesis is an advancement to an argument that the leading root cause of the water-borne disease outbreaks in Zimbabwe was the unsustainable urban environmental practice especially in the water reticulation system. The overarching purpose of this project is to give a solution to a case in which the failure in proper water reticulation system in urban towns mostly has ripple effects on the population of a country as an epidemic wreaks havoc. The scope of the thesis is on the inadequacy of safe and clean water in most of the suburbs in Zimbabwe. The collapse of the water supply and systems in the country and how the same instigated water-borne disease outbreaks. The thesis contributes to the body of knowledge and as a panacea to problems on water-borne diseases in cities of the developing world that face serious resource challenges and lack of modern technologies.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor Of Science In Applied Physics And Instrumentaton Honours Degree

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