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Title: An assessment on the impact of the civil society in improving the livelihoods of orphans: the case of Restless Development in Nhedziwa ward 4 Chimanimani district Zimbabwe.
Authors: Mlilo, Sibongumusa S.
Keywords: Civil society
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This study is aimed at assessing the impact of the civil society towards improving the livelihoods of orphans with particular focus on Restless Development in Nhedziwa ward 4 of the Chimanimani district. The general objective of this study was to assess the impact of the civil society in improving the livelihoods of orphans. A sample of twenty respondents out of a total of sixty-five orphans was selected using purposive sampling. Data was collected using interviews, questionnaires and desk top research. Results are based on findings from structured questionnaires directed at orphans who are beneficiaries of the different programmes that are implemented by Restless Development and face to face interviews with two orphans and headmasters of Matendeudze primary school and Nhedziwa high school. Results were that the programmes that are being implemented by Restless Development which include projects like nutrition gardens has managed to improve the livelihoods of orphans basing on livelihood indicators which are quality of life and standards of living, basic education, poverty reduction and employment creation. Orphans involved in projects that have been implemented by Restless Development have managed to acquire all the above through projects as they get some form of income to help with their day to day lives and can afford to go to school. Orphans have also applied the skills they got from the project trainings and have started their own projects thereby creating employment and a source of income for themselves. In spite of the various challenges faced by Restless Development in its quest to improve the livelihoods of orphans, the various projects that have been implemented have given access to improved quality of life and standards of living, basic education, poverty reduction and employment creation to a number of orphans and it has raised their Human Development Index and helped them attain sustainable development.
Appears in Collections:Bachelor Of Arts In Development Studies Honours Degree

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