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Title: Nanocomposites of sulphur-nitrogen co-doped graphene oxide nanosheets and cobalt mono carboxyphenoxy phthalocyanines for facile electrocatalysis
Authors: Shumba, Munyaradzi
Centane, Sixolile
Chindeka, Francis
Nyokong, Tebello
Keywords: Cobalt mono phenoxycarboxy phthalocyanines
Sulphur-nitrogen doped graphene oxide nanosheets
Hydrogen peroxide
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Elsevier
Series/Report no.: Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry;Vol. 791: p. 36-48
Abstract: Nanocomposites consisting of cobalt mono carboxyphenoxy phthalocyanine (CoMCPhPc) either covalently linked to graphene oxide nanosheets (GONS), sulphur doped graphene oxide nanosheets (SDGONS), nitrogen doped graphene oxide nanosheets (NDGONS) or sulphur/nitrogen co-doped graphene oxide nanosheets (SNDGONS) or sequentially added were used to modify glassy carbon electrode. The modified electrodes were characterised using several techniques: voltammetry, X-ray photon spectroscopy and scanning electron spectroscopy before testing their activity on the detection of hydrogen peroxide at pH 7. The presence of SNDGONS had a significant improvement on the currents as compared to CoMCPhPc modification alone in both sequentially added or covalently linked to MPcs. CoMCPhPc-SNDGONS(seq)-GCE and CoMCPhPc-SDGONS(linked)-GCE resulted in impressive limits of detection and catalytic rate constant values of 1.58 nM and 5.44 nM, 3.07 × 105 M− 1 s− 1 and 3.01 × 103 M− 1 s− 1 respectively. Gibbs energy value was determined to be − 21.22 kJ mol− 1 for CoMCPhPc-SNDGONS(linked)-GCE indicative of a facile spontaneous electroreduction reaction on the surface of this electrode.
ISSN: 1572-6657
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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