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dc.contributor.authorMagura, Juana-
dc.description.abstractThis research sought to analyze the impact of textile industry closure it has on livelihoods looking at indicators such as access to income, quality of education, health care and standard of living. Particular attention was paid on how former workers and their immediate family members have been affected by the closure of textile industry and what coping strategies they have employed. The researcher’s case study is Merlin Textile Limited situated in Belmont Industrial Area in Bulawayo City. In this study qualitative methodology was employed. A total of 100 former workers and 25 immediate family members were used as respondents. Interviews and questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. The findings were collected from information entered on questionnaires and face to face interviews conducted by the researcher with the respondents. The study found that the textile industry has been a source of livelihood for workers and their immediate family members. With the closure of Merlin Textile Limited, workers are now financially insecure and have been thrown into abject poverty. They do not have money to pay schools fees for their children or even to afford basic commodities. As a way of surviving, workers have adopted low income coping strategies such as street vending, urban farming and others survive on handouts from well-wishers. The study also revealed that former workers faced challenges in coming up with coping strategies. These challenges include lack of capital to start small businesses, competition in the informal sector and limited enterpreneual skills. The closure of textile industry has had adverse impacts on former workers livelihoods and their immediate family members.en_US
dc.publisherMidlands State Universityen_US
dc.subjectTextile industryen_US
dc.titleThe impact of the closure of textile industry on livelihoods: the case of Merlin Textile limited in Bulawayo cityen_US
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Appears in Collections:Bachelor Of Arts In Development Studies Honours Degree
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