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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 58 of 58
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Conversations in a professional learning community: an analysis of teacher learning opportunities in mathematics
2017In-service teachers’ perceptions and interpretations of students’ errors in mathematics
2017Learning in professional learning communities: shifts in mathematics teachers’ practices
2012Within and without the workings of language in literary text explication: RE-reading William Blake’s ‘London’
2004Effects of sociocultural beliefs on science education in Zimbabwe: implications for science teaching
2013Effects of intermingling of cultures on the use of adornment symbols in appearance management in Mutare, Zimbabwe
2007An analysis of in-service mathematics teachers' conceptions of problem-solving in the subject at Midlands State University in Zimbabwe
2012The teaching of geometric (Isometric) transformations at secondary school level: what approach to use and why?
2013The relevance of the current Zimbabwean ordinary level mathematics curriculum to industry: a case of Gweru Urban
2013Faculty of education lecturers’ and students’ perceptions on the utilisation of e-Learning at Midlands State University in Zimbabwe
10-Jul-2014Metaphors of the challenges on project completion: experiences of block release students and their supervisors at Midlands State University
2012Criterion and norm referenced tests in the education system: livening up the debate
2014The quest for quality project supervision: supervisor- supervisee relationship in the Education Faculty at Midlands State University in Zimbabwe
2013Perceptions on belt marking system in Zimbabwe: a case of Advanced Level Geography Syllabus 9156.
2008Challenges faced in the implementation of localised advanced level geography syllabus: a case of Harare high schools
2008Pupils'perceptions and their teachers' awareness of continuity in mathematics instruction at the primary- secondary transition phase in gweru urban schools in Zimbabwe
2008Academic publishing demystified
2011Challenges faced by girls in learning science in mixed sex schools of Marondera East District
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 58 of 58