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Title: ICT means of improving public sector management systems: a case of Bindura municipality.
Authors: Chitete, Lisa Blessing
Keywords: Information communication technology
Public sector management systems
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Midlands State University
Abstract: This research sought to analyse if the use of ICT improves the public sector management systems using Bindura Municipality as a case study The research objectives were provided and these includes to assess the role of ICT in management systems, to assess the extent to which BM is using ICT, to analyse the effectiveness of ICT in improving BM management systems, to identify challenges faced in the use of ICT, opportunities and to recommend solutions that can improve the use of ICT in management systems. There are lot of challenges being faced by Bindura Municipality in the management systems such as lack of transparency, accountability, corruption and poor communication skills. The use of ICT came a new public management to improve the challenges faced in the public sectors, this influenced the researcher to analyse if the use of ICT improves the management systems in public sector. Chapter two revealed other scholars views and aspects in the use of ICT. It provides different forms of ICT their merits and demerits such as computers, internet, mobile phones, telephones, printers and fax. The benefits of ICT were also revealed basing on different views from scholars and these includes it increase accountability and transparency, it reduces corruption, it improves the provision of services and it increase efficiency and effectiveness. The challenges faced in the use of ICT were also discussed such as lack of ICT skills, lack of ICT infrastructures, virus and power cuts. Chapter three outlines the research methods that were used in the research. The research used both qualitative and quantitative method for better analysis of the findings. The targeted population were councillors, other council employees and heads of departments, the sample size was 86 people. Different sampling techniques were used such as simple random sampling and judgemental sampling. Data collection instrument which were used are interviews, questionnaires and observations. The study revealed that the most forms of ICT being used by Bindura Municipality are computers, telephones and internet. It also revealed that use of ICT improves the management systems through the roles of ICT such as it increase accuracy, transparency and accountability, it reduces corruption, and it improves participation and decision making. The municipality is facing challenges in the use of ICT and these incudes inadequate ICT trainings, and ICT infrastructures, lack of ICT skills, experts and poor electricity supply. There are opportunities that the municipality can use to improve the use of ICT such as the availability of three universities in Bindura town that the municipality can acquire ICT skills and ICT experts, availability of labour from University student in the use of ICT and the municipality is near capital city that it can be easy to excess ICT resources Therefore various conclusions were provided such as there is no separate ICT department at Bindura Municipality, there are lot of benefits being noted through the use of ICT. Inadequate ICT infrastructures, inadequate ICT training, lack of ICT skills and experts are the major challenges faced by Bindura Municipality in the use of ICT. Recommendations where provided to improve the use of ICT in public sector management systems. These includes infrastructure development, frequent ICT training, public-private partnerships, formulating ICT policies, employing ICT experts, establishment of ICT department and prioritisation of ICT in annual budgets.
Appears in Collections:Bsc Local Governance Studies Honours Degree

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