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Title: A case study review of pre-requisites for strategy implementation among SMEs in Zimbabwe
Authors: Nyamwanza, Tonderai
Keywords: Strategy, formulation, implementation, linkages, performance, SMEs, strategic management, owner/manager, implementation pre-requisites
Issue Date: Dec-2013
Publisher: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences
Series/Report no.: European Journal of Business and Social Sciences;Vol. 2, No.9 , pp 124-133
Abstract: There are many variables that affect effective strategy implementation in general and in SMEs in particular. After the formulation of strategies there is need to operationalize them to facilitate implementation of the strategy. It has been acknowledged that strategy formulation and implementation are important to both the survival and growth of SMEs, and their continued contribution to economic growth. SMEs performance in Zimbabwe has continued to be marginal, hence the need to review the implementation modalities adopted by SMEs. The findings indicate that SMEs owners are aware of the pre-requisites for successful strategy implementation. Entrepreneurs differed in the number of factors to successful influence strategy implementation. Those with more variables outperformed those that had fewer variables which show the amount of preparation these SMEs undertook before attempting to implement the strategy.
Description: Abstract
ISSN: 2235 -767X
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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