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Title: Mediating HIV/AIDS strategies in children’s literature in Zimbabwe
Authors: Ngoshi, Hazel T.
Pasi, Juliet S.
Keywords: Zimbabwean education, AIDS denial
Children’s fiction and AIDS
Holistic response to disease
Stigma and AIDS
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Springer
Series/Report no.: Children's Literature in Education;Vol. 38; p. 243-251
Abstract: The Ministry of Education and Culture in Zimbabwe has introduced an intervention into the school curricula to complement the already existing mechanisms in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The literature in this programme is said to be designed to develop children’s knowledge of HIV/AIDS and to maximise both individual and community commitment to the safest protective behaviour possible. This paper argues that despite the Ministry’s efforts there is a dearth of such literature which would depict human relations and experiences in the context of HIV/AIDS in the corpus of Zimbabwean children’s literature in schools. It proposes that more fiction about HIV/AIDS could effectively complement the current non-fictional texts used in most Zimbabwean schools. This paper seeks therefore, to clarify the need for fictional narratives in which the disease plays a part since they will provide the main context in which young children learn to cope with the realities associated with HIV/AIDS through education. It posits that Zimbabwean children’s literature should also depict the conceptual framework within which health, human interaction and sexuality are understood in relation to the epidemic.
ISSN: 0045-6713
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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