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Title: Evaluation of anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties artemisia afra, gunnera perpensa and eucomis autumnalis
Authors: Muleya, Eddwina
Ahmed, A. S.
Sipamla, A.M.
Mutatu, W.
Keywords: Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC)
Reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Reactive nitrogen species (RNS)
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: OMICS International
Series/Report no.: Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences;
Abstract: Infectious disease is an illness resulting from the invasion of the host species by a pathogenic microbial agent, and outcome of the disease depends on the degree of success of the invading pathogen and immune system of the host [1]. They are considered a major threat to human health, because of the unavailability of vaccines or limited chemotherapy even in the developed parts of the world, although developing countries are carrying the major part of the burden Sub Saharan African countries, including South Africa are mostly affected by respiratory infections, diarrhea, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria [2,3] The continued resurfacing of antibiotic- resistant infections drives research to produce better drugs to combat the more resistant pathogens [4]. Auto immune diseases such as lupus are becoming a major concern in both the developed and third world countries [5]. Investigating plants that could be included in affected people’s diet would assist in managing such diseases.
ISSN: 2155-9600
Appears in Collections:Research Papers

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