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Title: Armed conflict and its impact on environment in central and southern Africa
Authors: Jerie, Steven
Keywords: Armed Conflict
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Organisation For Social Science Research In Eastern And Southern Africa
Series/Report no.: Ossrea Bulletin;Vol 7. no. 1
Abstract: This paper is a highlight on the environmental impacts of wars that have been waged or are still raging on in central and southern Africa. Land and its distribution has been a major cause of conflict in southern Africa. After the independence of countries in central and southern Africa, civil wars have raged on due to ethnic, regional and ideological differences. The major victim of these wars have been the environments which have been affected either directly or indirectly as both sides to the conflict contribute to the degradation. The direct impacts include loss of human and animal life, chemical pollution, landmines, fires, trenches, and deforestation. The indirect impacts include displacement of people resulting in refugees leading to increased poaching of wildlife and deforestation. The results of interference with the environment include localised climate change as evidenced by reduced precipitation, soil erosion due to increased surface runoff as well as air and water pollution. It is recommended that there is need to promote peace in central and southern Africa through regional blocks and mutual understanding for the sake of protecting the environment from the harmful effects of armed conflict. Countries also need to abide by the international environmental policies that safeguard the environment chief among which are the Biological Diversity Convention and the Framework Convention on Climate Change.
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