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Region #
NA - North America 1961
AF - Africa 1854
AS - Asia, other 1581
EU - Europe 336
OC - Oceania 179
SA - South America 32
Unknown 122
Total 6065
Country #
US - United States of America 1909
ZW - Zimbabwe 1656
SG - Singapore 724
CN - China 647
AU - Australia 176
IN - India 128
ZA - South Africa 71
GB - United Kingdom 59
FR - France 54
CI - Cote d'Ivoire 53
other - Other Country 588
Total 6065
City #
Harare 1249
Singapore 485
Boardman 326
Shanghai 187
Marondera 171
Hanover 140
Beijing 90
Santa Clara 75
Shenzhen 71
Mumbai 63
other 2936
Total 5793
Most viewed items #
ID: 129356bc-b464-437b-9d24-c442bb73b556 - Interrogating the procedure for suspension and removal of elected councilors in Zimbabwe and its impact on devolution and independence of local authorities 340
ID: a4e68e46-8dd9-49fb-ab67-19971bc60cba - The applicability of the doctrine of constitutional avoidance to constitutional adjudication in Zimbabwe 252
ID: 6cb4de5b-5a27-4834-a803-c59a5e56f6fe - An assessment of the taxation of Income derived from illegal activities in Zimbabwe 214
ID: d74eb90e-8c74-4f55-abb3-a0f08d977b5b - Assessing the prisoner’s right to human dignity, interrogating the situation in Zimbabwe 153
ID: be024385-8417-43e3-8121-0220032ce510 - The SADC regional bloc: What challenges and prospects for regional integration? 120
ID: 43448673-7869-4394-b646-ae3900340cca - Analysing microinsurance regulation in relation to consumer protection in Zimbabwe. 118
ID: 97f29e68-3cd5-416d-931b-3176ce5ea90e - The Right to Reasons for Administrative Action in Zimbabwe 118
ID: 11cc1872-b613-4e62-9746-a0f93c38c3f9 - The Troubled Electoral Contestation in Zimbabwe 115
ID: 16817cce-923a-4c33-8f89-9a9be08c03db - The essential features doctrine: a critical analysis of the Constitutional Amendment Act (no.2) 2021 113
ID: 00fb74d8-b524-441e-bcb2-457ec0ce321c - International Law, Sanctity of Life and the Right to Life: A Critical Analysis 111
ID: 7c285e65-9fd5-43a4-a88c-e88bb11a9d82 - Rethinking sexual minority rights in the context of Zimbabwean constitution. 109
ID: 5bdd5561-8475-4285-8cd1-6bbd23be284e - The Citizen participation democracy dichotomy 103
ID: 8566d8c0-a793-412e-816a-4b29a838810e - Criminalisation of Deliberate Transmission of HIV: A Subtle Perpetuation of Gender Inequality in Zimbabwe? 102
ID: 004ee419-8e6d-4c8e-b6dc-423df5a3a4d3 - Interrogating the scope and extent of punitive measures in the public procurement legal regime of the Zimbabwean energy sector 99
ID: 55a0f866-00e7-455c-9967-1c0d007af40e - Devolution of power as a means to realise the right to development: A Zimbabwean perspective vis a vis the Ugandan experience 98
ID: e04384e4-5e26-46a5-8f49-cdc2bb7b4125 - Changing the Game: Striking Down Section 121 of Zimbabwe's Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act 98
ID: d9a3ea1b-021d-49cb-bb5b-37802b00a338 - Are disability laws in Zimbabwe compatible with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)? 93
ID: 657ffe31-0c0c-4b87-9699-0c360989126a - An analysis of the legality of the prosecutorial powers of the Special Anti-Corruption Unit. 88
ID: 03170ef0-d933-4896-805a-3c972d196765 - A critique of the Zimbabwe internet governance legal framework in light of the 2019 internet shutdowns 83
ID: 48c5c9f8-cbda-4078-9885-a4350069f79e - Reflections on the Constitutional Regulation of Property and Land Rights under the 2013 Zimbabwean Constitution 79
ID: c5f07474-be3b-487e-83be-a71f68cafa4c - The legality of internet shutdowns in Zimbabwe 77
ID: 03117c51-1d61-4bdf-8022-aa4d4a746adc - Land Redistribution Law and Environmental Justice in South Africa: An Analysis of South Africa's Land Redistribution Law as a Means to Achieving Environmental Justice 76
ID: 0b3bcf6f-7bb7-4fdf-aad2-c48f58e044b3 - Transfer of undertaking under Section 16 of the Zimbabwean Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] 76
ID: d345300f-085b-4a8a-9b98-2d5ffacc1770 - Midlands State University Law Review Vol.1 76
ID: 448062f2-6e4d-47c8-b951-012d90c39ee5 - A critical analysis of the prohibition of sodomy and same sex marriages in Zimbabwe: a human rights perspective 73
ID: a247d85b-c655-4e2b-834a-bff37864e4b0 - Understanding the content of crimes against humanity: Tracing its historical evolution from the Nuremberg Charter to the Rome Statute 73
ID: 856791de-5f70-470e-8aca-7325cf347050 - The right to strike in Zimbabwe's labour law: a liability or trap at worst 71
ID: 97e4f41e-dec3-4acf-a88d-1e7f2a57852e - Intestate succession and the spousal right to the matrimonial home in Zimbabwe 71
ID: 551776b4-825b-4405-a818-990c2cd2e1be - Secessionist criminals’: an obstruction to the full realisation of the right to self-determination 70
ID: f63cef7e-179f-41e1-9b08-446e1554d38d - The troubled relationship between the International Criminal Court and Africa: a diagnosis 70
ID: 2b6b3e56-9ce2-4b47-9be8-f1b61fd0e8bb - An analytical analysis of abortion laws in Zimbabwe from a human rights perspective 69
ID: e3ddf96c-232f-400c-831d-0e0141f1e712 - The right to reasons for administrative action in Zimbabwe 69
ID: 9a2393ae-0136-4d8c-93ef-b6a96b5071a0 - Child soldiers, international crimes and accountability: resolving the dilemma 68
ID: bc064979-198e-4733-b9b2-ec6a70351154 - An analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of protection of property rights in Zimbabwe in advent of the Deeds Registries Amendment Act number 8 of 2017. 67
ID: fb1ecdb1-8704-4553-b2c1-e6d7b1c9c206 - A critical analysis of the compatibility of statutory instrument (s.i) 122 of 2017 with The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) law 67
ID: dfd11f47-074e-47dc-8364-4fcb243e7c14 - Electoral Law, the Constitution and Democracy in Zimbabwe: a critique of Jealousy Mbizvo Mawarire v Robert Mugabe N.O and 4 Others CCZ 1/13. 66
ID: 5104e954-d430-436c-888d-c14748419024 - The right to independent living for persons with pyscho - social disabilities in Zimbabwe 65
ID: 960f756a-9f79-4f02-aa9d-69955837aae6 - The constitutional guarantee to fair labour practices: the recommendations to inform policy 64
ID: f8f01051-108b-46be-a715-2dc5a7d0c6ec - Welfare of children and disposal of the matrimonial property upon divorce: a legal analysis 64
ID: f9bd0a59-824c-48dd-9b55-ed908ee9cb0a - Negating the Promotion of Human Rights Through “Claw-Back” Clauses in the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights 64
ID: 88bb117d-bee4-47a5-9ebb-2221beeb07a6 - The right to inclusive education for children with visual impairments in primary schools of Zimbabwe 61
ID: ac0c9416-2c53-46c9-8d88-f720d147e6e0 - Realisation of socio-economic rights through devolution in Africa. The case of Kenya and Zimbabwe 61
ID: 706550cc-f1fc-4e72-be45-25b6fea4461f - An analysis of POTRAZ in light of international best practices 59
ID: 4e04662d-a8ad-4905-ae76-14ab0d49e3f9 - Can the current WTO legal framework foster technology transfer to developing countries? 58
ID: 036407dc-6cc0-453b-9753-bc150a86fe20 - Balancing the best interests of the child and the interests of society when sentencing youth offenders and primary caregivers in South Africa 56
ID: 09d24586-a680-492d-96d1-ef212584982d - Sub-regional and constitutional protection of socio-economic rights: SADC, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, and Zimbabwe 55
ID: 6d9a5126-c97d-41fc-87a6-ee236655260d - A critique of public debt management principles in central bank government lending legislation: the case of Ghana and Zimbabwe 55
ID: dddba710-5186-42f9-94f2-41ca5670f08b - Analysis of Article 98 of the Rome Statute on its impact in the global fight against impunity. 55
ID: 4bee52fc-5a0c-4f9f-b23b-23a06119fdf7 - A critical analysis of the applicability of international humanitarian law in the context of cyber warfare. 54
ID: 537fe87b-faea-4a2f-a1d3-b08470465eb3 - Judicial independence of the international criminal court: a case study of the relationship between the international criminal court and the United Nations Security Council 54
ID: 0746fbe3-1d0b-4418-9a7f-4179dc3fdb91 - A Critique of the 2008 Government of National Unity and Human Rights Protection in Zimbabwe 52
Total 4622

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2022 00 0000 0002 2234 58
2023 3784 2079513657 493440157 200 916
2024 04 157196466685 267321892342 210592 4132
2025 134670 155000 0000 00 959
Ever 6065