ID: 5abf0ec1-8d02-4135-9a62-fa270ef77e7a - Corporal punishment in schools: issues and challenges
ID: 29c7470d-42e2-4a13-ba7f-c41dc55eea9d - Factors affecting the adoption and integration of ICT as a pedagogical tool in rural primary schools
ID: e4f4b45b-e149-40d0-bde3-e442de9911c5 - The impact of information and communication technology (ICT) based technologies in the teaching and learning at early childhood education level at riverside stimulation centre in Imbizo district in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province.
ID: 6cb8582a-c562-466e-bd08-b40042e6e3d8 - Factors causing low pass rate in mathematics at grade seven in Kwekwe rural district
ID: cd52ddf8-4050-4210-9885-7885526437b2 - Challenges faced by teachers in implementing inclusive education at Mgoqo primary school at early childhood level
ID: f05b5a3d-31ca-4258-af39-7a42485c4bce - The implementation of school feeding program : a case of Nyamuroro Primary School, Gokwe North District
ID: a606c854-7ba5-4e7d-ad3f-b77c0fa01ffc - Traditional children’s games: their relevance on skills development among rural Zimbabwean children age 3–8 Years
ID: 12152e3c-2eb9-43f9-b4e7-2b6fe304dc20 - Early Childhood Development teachers` understandings of Indigenous Knowledge and their strategies for incorporating IK in their pedagogical practices
ID: c24bd89b-63ec-422e-9d68-e266aec44e21 - An investigation into the effects of the abolishment of corporal punishment on learner behaviour in schools: A case of Epworth-Mabvuku-Tafara District, Harare Metropoilitan Province.
ID: a652040d-c42e-4d25-a4aa-6e194a1c77fa - Bachelor of education in service teacher trainees’ perceptions and attitudes on inclusive education in Zimbabwe
ID: 5bad63d2-2500-460e-8799-efcc9ded00de - A critique of constructivist theory in Science teaching and learning
ID: 9cd86588-2f73-4089-8fe9-d68ab02d3689 - An investigation into the effectiveness of the Basic Education assistance Module (BEAM)in reducing dropout rate in Mberengwa District Primary Schools.
ID: d89b3d5f-0875-49ee-956b-f024f3cef429 - Cultivating change: Reflections on the changing role of the School Head in effective implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum in Hwange Rural Primary Schools.
ID: ea2caf06-a14b-4f12-ae59-0d09f19624d7 - An analysis of provisions for Early Childhood Development (ECD) A and B: a case study of one government primary school in Chitungwiza district.
ID: a9d6c0de-3930-4760-a2bf-fc691ab82682 - The prevalence of child sexual abuse among secondary school pupils in Gweru, Zimbabwe
ID: 0224492c-b278-484f-8fb8-034da319e656 - Challenges Faced by Youths in Institutional Care Centers in Their Transit to Adulthood: A Case of One Child Care Institution in Zimbabwe
ID: 7ff7f156-183c-4948-980d-a7c54663af9d - The achievements and challenges of school development committees (SDC) and school development associations (SDA ) involvement in school development in cluster 34 in Warren Park Mabelreign district in Harare province
ID: b9baa05c-ca8f-4cb8-b2f9-6ed1e17411b1 - An investigation into the problems faced by grade 6 learners in answering comprehension questions: A case of Zenda Primary School in Mberengwa District.
ID: 17c9652a-883b-43b6-af75-4e3c7844f6f4 - An investigation into students‟ low performance in English language at „O‟ level in Gweru Urban High Schools.
ID: b3751729-9c25-4553-9f29-2845450fc09c - Preparedness for inclusive education in early childhood Development (ECD): a survey of Gweru district ECD centres
ID: 4c47559b-399a-42ec-9f40-bb14fc8304f2 - The impact of high teacher pupil ratio in rural and peri-urban government schools in Goromonzi District in Mashonaland East Province.
ID: 20372316-d0c5-4dff-93a0-c9147874a3fc - Challenges facing SDCs in the management of school development in Mt Darwin of Mashonaland Central
ID: 38f2d6e5-a308-4bbc-8950-41a26e60afad - Challenges faced by early childhood education learners from child-headed families in Cowdray Park schools: a case of Reigate primary schools in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province.
ID: 2aaba6cf-107f-45d5-9d96-339434450759 - Students' Self-Concept and Academic Achievement in Zimbabwe: A Preliminary Study
ID: 324e0b0c-34d4-4c71-8a5b-89caa42a5e21 - The impact of authoritative parenting style on children’s academic achievements in Domboshava Community. (ZIMCRODO Cluster).
ID: 35031023-0b34-4cb7-badc-1983be93775d - Confronting cyber-bullying in schools: towards developing guidelines for cyber-bullying awareness in Highfields-Glenorah district secondary schools in Zimbabwe.
ID: 8291aa1e-e604-48d3-8380-dc8904812ff8 - Teachers, parents and students perceptions towards government policy on abolition of corporal punishment : a case of Gweru urban
ID: 3ed74bc7-2fec-42f3-9952-4c5dbbab0ddf - Morality through the philosophy for children (p4c) blended with the unhu/ubuntu philosophy in contemporary Zimbabwean education: a case of Zimbabwe’s Mberengwa district.
ID: 82e32cc5-044f-4917-bff8-cf7b551121a3 - Analysis of inclusive education in Harare Northern central district : policy versus implementation
ID: a5798255-62cb-4f3c-877e-8e475344409f - Cultivating change: Reflections on the changing role of the School Head in effective implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum in Hwange Rural Primary Schools.
ID: 8d5acdcb-fd48-4002-ac66-9548d597b152 - Human resources management in Adventist Primary Schools in South Botswana conference : challenges and possible way forward
ID: 2108c65d-429e-4ece-97c3-5ded4f0086f8 - Managing Occupational Stress
ID: 0b1bc181-8ba4-47c6-9bcd-f03fb2e13c65 - Exploring the interaction between depression and learning in Shona culture : a study of students and lecturers in a tertiary education institution in Zimbabwe.
ID: 27fa1845-cb84-4796-ac4c-67afd6fd3429 - An investigation into the teachers’ views on positive discipline in cluster 2, Harare Northern central district.
ID: 63374254-0df7-4cdf-b343-0e325b5c84c0 - Parents’ and Teachers’ Perceptions on the Use of Language in Early Childhood Development in Norton District
ID: d6eb3ac3-d83b-4e45-8f5c-9c8069a927e4 - An analysis of the challenges encountered in administering Zimsec examinations: the case of Sherwood Munyati Cluster, Kwekwe District
ID: fa6999d9-985f-4563-a171-d213973a99b0 - Lighting “dark rooms” for Early Childhood Development student teachers health system: A case of one Teachers’ College in Zimbabwe
ID: 06d6011d-22cf-47ae-88c1-cc147ce99ea7 - An overview of theories on child maltreatment and their applicability to Zimbabwean society
ID: 5d4e3902-8bc6-4b03-90ef-952290bc4260 - The state of infrastructure development in early childhood development centres in EPMAFARA district primary schools in Harare
ID: b116ff74-e558-4823-a1c8-dd30c41133b1 - An investigation into challenges faced by full time teaching heads in primary schools in Shurugwi district
ID: 1232a0e4-5af1-45d4-a216-ad83ae74ddc6 - Challenges faced by L1 Shona teachers teaching English to L1 Tonga Primary School students: a case of Nenyunka Primary School.
ID: 2f87c309-519f-4905-abb3-0e190583ff87 - Factors that influence parenting styles at Early Childhood Education level in Magwegwe Cluster of Mzilikazi District in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province.
ID: 65b1f200-b9ed-4d2c-afee-ef5bdcd1d213 - State Of Affairs In Early Childhood Development: Are We Getting There? A Case of Bulilima District Schools
ID: 10ad8c0f-1ced-46b9-ab5f-c1e945b84986 - Strategies used by teachers in the implementation of positive discipline in primary schools in Gokwe north district.
ID: 00ba402b-b1ad-4d82-9746-7e2681bef651 - Investigating effectiveness of early reading intiative in Malisa central cluster in Silobela
ID: 779b9589-4283-438f-8604-a62cf30a42c7 - The extent to which safety and health is provided in ECD learning environment in urban schools in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province
ID: c7191076-ed05-4374-a77d-6e4c1c454dac - Exploring teachers’ and community’s strategies of empowering pupils on the importance of educational advancement: A case study of Mabvuku-Tafara educational cluster in Epworth, Mabvuku-Tafara District in Harare Metropolitan Province.
ID: 8d6d4d2b-31e6-48f0-8584-82275c0d1fbe - Making sense of depression within the Shona culture: Perceptions of tertiary students in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe
ID: 0252ad13-16d5-4e51-9654-b3f853759e90 - The challenges and opportunities faced in implementing (PLAP) performance lag programme in Makoni district schools
ID: 19fbb28b-7af1-47eb-b1f1-7c50cfeb379b - The association between cultural capital and academic writing skills: a case study of level one semester one communication skills students in the faculties of arts and social sciences at midlands state university
ID: 26aec7ff-5586-4c90-b8ba-04a013e88f7d - The impact of leadership on learner outcomes. A case of Bhangwe Cluster in Mberengwa District.