Browsing by Author Tatenda Musasa

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Aug-2023Assessment of ergonomic risks among refuse collectors in municipalities of Harare District, Zimbabwe
30-Jul-2020Biogas Technology Adoption as an Alternative Source of Energy in Domboshava Communal Area of Zimbabwe: Benefits and Challenges
18-Jul-2023Contestations and struggles in the use and protection of wetland ecosystems in communal areas of Zimbabwe: a case study of Intunjambili wetland in Matobo district
28-Apr-2021Drivers of Wetland Utilisation Patterns and The Current Status of Provisioning and Cultural Services In Driefontein and Intunjambili Wetlands, Zimbabwe
17-Jan-2024Environmental challenges associated with disposal of baby diapers in Hwange town, Zimbabwe
8-Nov-2022Impacts of Illegal Gold Panning on Surface Water Quality in Umzingwane River of Umzingwane District, Zimbabwe
14-Apr-2024Land cover changes in rural communities of Zimbabwe pre and post land reform era; a case of Shurugwi South constituency
26-Oct-2023Landsat satellite programme potential for soil erosion assessment and monitoring in arid environments: A review of applications and challenges
13-Jun-2022The nexus between drivers of wetland utilisation patterns, land use/land cover change and ecosystem services in two wetlands, Zimbabwe
Jan-2021Public-Private Partnerships on Water and Sanitation Issues in Small Towns: Case of Mvurwi, Zimbabwe
2023The role of stakeholder participation in wetland conservation in urban areas: A case of Monavale Vlei, Harare
7-Oct-2024The safety and health concerns faced by undocumented Zimbabwean immigrants in Botswana: a case of Francistown